Bellwoods Playschool uses a child-centred, socially conscious pedagogy to engage young children in social and artistic thought and action. Using what the city has to offer, we empower our students with the knowledge to be socially and environmentally responsible citizens while they develop into explorers of their urban landscape.

A valuable aspect of the Bellwoods Playschool program is to empower children as navigators of their city. We journey on regular excursions, by foot and by public transportation, to art galleries, museums and cultural events, as well as markets, parks and city landmarks.


Our Playschool runs on a model that links a range of artists together to engage and inspire children. We like to bring in different perspectives and actively pursue a diverse teaching staff. As such, professional educators and artists trade chalkboards for personal anecdotes and textbooks for real life experiences. Together, they create an atmosphere that is at once intellectually stimulating and deeply personalized.

Our Community

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Last Month in Review iii: Iguana's + Zombies

Learning about Habitats. Our visit to the Menagerie Pet Store! Saw the biggest Iguana in the city and meant some noisy parrots too! 
Thriller! Recreating a dance routine from Michael Jackson's Thriller.

Last Month in Review ii: Spring is Here!

Spring has arrived! Lots of fun exploring nature and seeing what winter left behind and what spring has for us around the corner. We found some snails and learned that you can find out how old a snail is by counting the amount of spirals on its shell.

Carnival day in Bellwoods! Paper Mache Volcano building lead to one messy explosion.

Last Month In Review - Camping + AGO!

Camping photos! Static hair in the tent! We learned how to set up the tent and spent the day camping in Dufferin Grove Park!

We made a visit to the AGO to see Sean Martindale's exhibition. We learned about the history of street art, saw some examples of graffiti in Toronto and then made our own pictures and added them to a large collage wall of photos that many others have been adding to. We were asked questions, such as, "What would you do if you were mayor?" We thought really hard about what we want for our city and wrote our answers down and placed them on the wall. 

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Some Music Videos We Enjoyed!

We are going to make our own videos and films this month. To start, we are going to our own music videos. We looked at some interesting ones for inspiration. It was great to see everyone totally into them!

Video with a Storyline:

Video that doesn't make sense but is awesome anyway:

Animated Video:

Video with lots of colours: